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About Us

About Me

Growing up I was always told to help others when I can. From seeing my parents helping those around us to sponsoring several girls in other countries to assist in their education, doing what I can to help out is something I grew up with. 


When I was seven years old my teacher brought my class an opportunity to help other by Trick-or-Treating for Unicef where instead of asking for candy you asked for spare change. That is what began my journey of volunteering.


I have volunteered here and there since I was a child, it was always something I desired to do. I have worked at charity event, participated in races for a cause, and assisted in awareness and fundraising campaigns. I have always felt the need to make a positive difference in others lives like my parents do.



How Strive Came to Be
Strive came to be from an idea for my University's final year assessment. I was thinking about how fast fashion is taking over and harming our environment and our fellow humans. From that I began to look into sustainable and ethical fashion and dig deeper into the world of fashion and how we need to change.
Our planet is being plagued by our actions. New coverage about fashion seemed to be very negative like the tower collapse in Bangladesh to the mountains of clothing waste. A change needed to be made and so I began my journey through the internet to find clothing brands thats mission is to help our fellow humans, our planet and other endangered species. 
Through my search I found several small to mid sized fashion brands that done to charity and/or are ethical and eco-friendly. That is where I saw the need to create a platform where these brands would be more easily accessible to a wider audience.
What We Aim to Do
Strive's purpose is to make ethical and eco-friendly clothing more readily available to the public. At Strive we want the world to know about the brands we support and what simple changes one can make in their shopping habits to make a big difference.
As a collective we can make the change we want to see in the world come to life. By creating awareness, only supporting ethically and eco-friendly reputable brands and looking to make a change there is nothing we can't do.
We want to make fast fashion a thing of the past and create a world where our clothes mean more than just a symbol of who we are, but of a way we are making the world a better place. In doing so we hope to encourage other brands to join in on the idea that we can do more to help out.
Let's use fashion to create a better tomorrow. 
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